What do you mean, Mindbodies Decolonised?
The pathologisation of differences in thinking, communicating and being is rooted in colonial constructs of what is ‘normal’, created to uphold racist, patriarchal, capitalist systems, designed to control and exploit.
Neurotypicality is a performance of those norms and expectations, not a neurotype. There is no ‘neurotypical mind’, only minds that are able to perform neuronormativity. I have named that performance of acting in alignment with colonial norms rather than our natures ‘neuro-performative’. Through a journey of decolonisation and depathologisation of our mindbodies, a process I have termed ‘neuro-embodiment’, we can free ourselves from the confines of colonised thinking and reimagine a reality where we all have our needs met and the infinite variability of human mindbodies is celebrated and cherished. In this reality we will all know what our neuro-normal is and be able to think, communicate and be in alignment with it.
Why should I subscribe?
By subscribing to Mindbodies Decolonised, you are beginning or continuing a journey of decolonising your mind and your relationship with Neurodivergence, Disability and Health. You’ll learn how colonised thinking has turned difference into disorder, why we so desperately need to move away from this and how to start living a neuro-embodied life.
Who are you to tell me about this??
I’m an Autistic, ADHD, Neuroscientist with years of experience working in People & Culture, Organisational Design and Leadership Development in technology start-ups. My work focuses on the intersectionality of the human experience and how colonisation, patriarchy and capitalism have created a constructed reality that puts people in boxes and stifles human potential through constructs and norms designed to enforce hierarchy and uphold white supremacy. I am South Asian, English, TransMasc, I have a Master’s degree, I am a light-skinned Brown person, I was raised by both my biological parents and I have never been homeless or in poverty. I work from my lived experience at many intersections of marginalisation and privilege within our constructed reality.
I have designed and delivered training, coaching and employee engagement programmes around intersectional inclusion. I am the founder of Wautistic Wayfinder, a neuroscience based programme of frameworks and 1 on 1 coaching designed to help neurodivergents with access to whiteness to unlearn their ableism and racism and support themselves with compassion through their decolonisation journey.
LinkedIn & TikTok
I talk about decolonisation of mindbodies, Anti-Racism and LGBTQIA2S+ on LinkedIn and TikTok and I love connecting with others who are on their unlearning journey while being being part of the wider community of those working towards a decolonised world.
Ready to decolonise your mind?
Subscribe and get ready to discover who you are underneath the masks given to you by colonisation.