Thanks for this. What I can add is that superheroes are a product of imperialism and its "might makes right" world view. Violence is the only means of conflict resolution empire understands. When we find ourselves thinking in terms of superheroes and villains, we are enacting imperialist tropes that we learned in our infancy when might makes right really was the limit of our understanding.

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Thanks, Pallas.

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This article is JUST SO YUMMY. About a year ago in therapy, I realized that I had been waiting my entire life for someone to come save me from whatever I needed saving from at the time. But as I reflected on my past experiences, at 47, I realized that I saved myself. I don't need a superhero. Which is why I think I've struggled in the last year, because I am looking for a language to replace the colonial language of superheroes and being saved, and I just don't have one yet. THANK YOU for these prompts, I'll journal with them!

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Thanks for sharing this Minessa, enjoy journalling with the prompts 💜

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Powerful, thought provoking read and the reflection questions are amazing. Cheers to decolinizing our minds from binaries and supremacy traps. Thank you!

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Cheers! You're welcome! Enjoy exploring the questions.

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