I agree with you as a Asperger's woman who had PDA or ODD as a co-morbid.

I was diagnosed at five-years-old and although my Mom did read books and do physical therapy with me it was not enough and I felt angry that my anger was not being validated but deemed unreasonable around the time kids are supposed to throw fits and tantrums. I now have a therapist who validates my anger without blame or making me feel like I'm not worth anything. One Mister Rodger's song that makes my cry as an adult is I'm Angry which expresses that there are things around us that make us sad or angry and that they are valid. As a German American a very important comic character Struwwelpeter impacted me because he has the hallmarks of PDA Autism. His face is a symbol for how society fails PDA people, yet we are driven by the pain and anger to make things better.


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Thanks for sharing this, Christina.

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